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Religious Diversity and Change in American Social Networks: How Our Social Connections Shape Religious Beliefs and Behavior

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As with Christianity, Islam incorporated some traditions from other religions. As one example of this political impact, you may have heard about conflicts between Sunni and Shia forces today in the Middle East. This division has its roots in the power struggles of the early days of Islam, more than a thousand years ago.

  • Carnival is a festival traditionally held in Roman Catholic and, to a lesser extent, Eastern Orthodox societies.
  • Also, I think Wittgenstein was right in his understanding of language as usage.
  • After the celebration had ended, people would relight the hearth in their homes with fire from the communal and sacred bonfire.
  • Ask questions, define terms that are unfamiliar or understood differently, use clear language with neutral terminology, avoid jargon, and avoid judgment.
  • Particularly worrying is the rise in attacks against Christians in the Middle East.

Across the religious spectrum, there is substantial agreement about the challenges Muslims face in American society. People are often born into a certain religion but they can also switch from one set of spiritual beliefs to another or to none at all. It is possible for a person to live outside any type of religion as an atheist. Later, in the early days of the American colonies, religion was a driving force for many colonists to risk their lives to travel across an ocean and setup a new life. While there were many reasons for individuals to come to the colonies, for groups like the Puritans, who were escaping persecution, the colonies presented an opportunity to practice their religion in a way that was not possible back home.

What is Culture?

A majority of white evangelical Protestants whose immediate social circle does not include someone who is unaffiliated say believing in God is a necessary precondition to being moral. In contrast, this view is held by less than half of those who have at least one unaffiliated social connection. Half of Catholics whose what is a slavic women core social network does not include someone who is unaffiliated say belief in God is essential for being moral, while only 33 percent of those who have such a connection express this view.

While there is still an emphasis on prayer and tithing, Westernized Christianity also emphasizes the importance of doing this in private as well. One of most well-known kinds of myths is creation myths, which describe how the world began, and often where people fit into this scheme. An example of this comes from the Haida, an indigenous nation located on the Pacific Northwest coast of North America. According to this myth, Sha-lana ruled a kingdom high in the clouds which looked down on a vast, empty sea that stretched in all directions. When Sha-lana’s chief servant, the Raven, was cast out of the kingdom, he was so distraught that he flapped his wings in despair. He then created human beings from shells and introduced the sun and fire .

Gods and Spirits

The aim was to show that religious and cultural factors matter if we want to deepen our understanding of international relations. The method has been to define elements of each concept and consider the impact of these elements on aspects of our individual, national and international experience.

As such, we begin with an understanding of culture as the combined effect of humanly constructed social elements that help people live together. We will explore four elements of culture, illustrating each element through individual and international political experience. The third element of religion is teaching traditions based on stories of significant figures, events and ideas from the past and beliefs about the future of time itself – like a spoiler alert about the end of the world. For some religions, however, time itself is an illusion and the main focus is living in the now according to sacred ideas rather than the connection of past–present–future. These elements – interpreting the past, projecting the future, living now – are basic to the development of political ideologies also.

We should therefore be wary of justifying the right of any species to survive solely on the basis of its usefulness to human beings. From existing sources there is evidence to suggest that for all their limitations, people in the past were aware of this need for harmony between human beings and nature. We regard our survival as an undeniable right; as coinhabitants of this planet, other species too have this right for survival. Therefore, with a ‘both/and’ logic in mind, we consider comparative examples of religio-cultural identity in world politics that emphasise conflict and cooperation respectively.

c. Hindu Pluralisms

Belief is a state of the mind when we consider something true even though we are not 100% sure or able to prove it. Mutually supportive beliefs may form belief systems, which may be religious, philosophical or ideological. Religion is a two way relationship between an individual and society, and also from a society towards the individual. The society influence is not arguable and the dissent is not always tolerated. The culture is mainly a influence from a society towards the individual, and it is does not always include religion. Please note many Asian societies with the corresponding cultures; they are not tied to religion, any religion.

As such, culture involves agreement on the kind of things that are good for society and can make it flourish. ‘Culture clash’ occurs when different societies prioritise different understandings of what those ‘good’ things are. For example, indigenous (or ‘First Nations’) peoples readily, and with significant justification, contest the stories of settlement in countries like the United States, Australia, Canada and elsewhere. In such places, national holidays can be mourned as commemorating invasion and dispossession. New Zealand offers somewhat of a contrast, with the story of the nation including the drawing up of the Treaty of Waitangi signed in 1840 between the British colonisers and the indigenous Maori tribes.

While it is difficult to establish exact definitions of both, it is possible to gain an understanding of the two concepts and their relationship to one another. Politically, leaders who embrace a particular religious perspective tend to be influenced by that perspective in their actions. Also, art and architecture draw inspiration from religion and the results are works of art created to represent that inspiration, thereby affecting the cultural and social contexts they exist in. No single social group, religion or community has the monopoly of discrimination. Even though the levels of protection of the freedom of religion and belief vary significantly across the member states of the Council of Europe, religious intolerance and discrimination affects everyone in Europe.

Likewise, in Myanmar an influential group of religious monks has started a movement intent on imposing Buddhist principles on the whole country, including non-Buddhist minorities. Thus, some religious politics is based on ‘fundamentals’ that, in the view of adherents, cannot be changed without the standards of society also being compromised. Only among members of evangelical churches (52%), Mormons (58%) and Jehovah’s Witnesses (73%) do majorities say religious teachings and beliefs are the biggest influence on their understanding of right and wrong.

Applying the logic that we introduced at the start of this section, one answer is that elements of religion and culture contribute to both clash and dialogue, to both conflict and cooperation. Thus, the central tenet to Huntington’s controversial idea is that those elements of culture and religion that we have studied in this chapter contribute to fundamental differences across the globe.